1st European conference - Materials & documents
Downloads of the first conference:
- Background document
- The programme of the conference, the programme of the workshops
- The report of the conference
- The list of participants
Downloads of presentations:
- Theoretical notions on cooperation for the provision of public goods - Gerard Breeman, Wageningen University and Research, Dep. of Public Administration and Policy (NL)
- Collective approaches and the CAP post 2013 - Janet Dwyer, Countryside and Community Research Institute (UK)
- Collective action on agro-ecological practices and public goods management in France; state of affairs - Francois Leger, AgroTechParis (FR)
- Agro-ecology and collective approaches - Véronique Lucas, CUMA (FR)
- Biodiversity and intensive arable farming in the Champagne region - Quentin Delachapelle, CIVAM (FR)
- The experience of the Groupement d'Interêt Economique DAD Ardêche - Nicolas Ribes, SCARA (FR)
- Flemish Farmers Association supporting territorial cooperation: the ECO2 experience - Sven Defrijn, Vlaamse Boerenbond (BE)
- The Burren Life project - Patrick McGrun, European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (IE)
- Territorial arable farmers biodiversity association ANOG - Henk Smith, ANOG (NL)
- The expericence of the teritorial dairy farmers association 'Friese Wouden' - Douwe Hoogland, Norlike Fryske Wâlden (NL)
- The Valdaso territorial agri-environmental agreement project - Franceso Vanni, INEA (IT)
- Landcare in Germany - Liselotte Unseld, DVL (GE)
- Alternative models for collective ownership of farmland - Véronique Rioufol, Terre de Liens (FR)
- Capacity building for a collective approach - Paul Terwan (NL)
- CAP and so-called public goods - Gilles Allaire, INRA (FR)
- Innovation and knowledge transfer - Frank Stubbe, VLM (BE)
If you want to find out more about the current projects, go here.