2nd European conference - Materials & documents
All documentation of the conference can be downloaded here below:
- Report of the conference
- List of participants
- Presentation of key note speaker David Baldock, director of the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
- Presentations of workshop 1, Information sharing and capacity building:
- Emilio Chiodo (University of Teramo, Italy) - Territorial cooperation and the provision of public goods; some considerations from the Italian experience
- Roel Jongeneel (LEI, The Netherlands) - Groups of farmers; a political-economy approach
- Gerard Breeman (Wageningen University) - Social capital and rural development
- Henk Oostindie (Wageningen University) - Territorial cooperation; a rural sociology perspective
- Merijn Bos (Louis Bolk Institute) - Results of the Functional Agro-Biodiversity (FAB) project in The Netherlands
- Fabio Cossu (ENRD) - Information sharing and communication; the ENRD experience
- Results of workshop 1
- Presentations of workshop 2, Connecting with society; towards a multi stakeholder approach:
- Trees Robijns (Birdlife Europe) - Territorial cooperation and the new CAP; a NGO perspective
- Bernd Müller (Justus Liebig University, Germany) - Cooperative landscape management; a stakeholder participation approach in nature conservation in Germany
- Ingrid van Huizen (Nordlike Fryske Wâlden, The Netherlands) - Partnership in the Northern Frisian Woodlands
- Results of workshop 2
- Presentations of workshop 3, Connecting with the market; business cases for biodiversity management and agro-ecology
- Adrie Vermeulen (Skylark, The Netherlands) - Sustainable agriculture; a wonderful challenge
- Nat Page (Funadatia Adept, Romania) - Pasture based dairy farming
- Frank Verhoeven (Boerenverstand, The Netherlands) - Making sustainable dairy farming affordable
- Ann Humble (Welsh Ministry of Agriculture) - First Milk Ltd: nutrient management and off-set scheme; an innovative use of regulation
- Results of workshop 3
- Presentations of workshop 4, Connecting with the CAP; what are our messages for policy and how do we get them across?
- Christiane Canenbley (European Commission, DG AGRI) - The CAP towards 2020; collective implementation of CAP measures
- Faustine Defossez (European Environmental Bureau) - Connecting with the CAP; greening or green washing?
- Karine Belna (French Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forests) - Seeking for double performance; the agro-ecological project for France
- Wouter Rozendaal (Aequator, The Netherlands) - The Dutch approach in agri-environmental schemes
- Results of workshop 4
If you want to find out more about the current projects, go here.