'Can EU CAP it?' Project at EAAE Congress

From August 26 to 29 the Slovene Agricultural Economics community hosted the XIVth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) in Slovenia's capital, Ljubljana

In the sideline of the offical Congress programme, Groupe de Bruges' vice-president Franco Sotte was given the opportunity to introduce the Groupe de Bruges' new project "Can EU CAP it?". "Can EU CAP it?" is the successor of the successful e-learning course on the CAP of three years ago. The new project will not only contain a fully updated version of the course itself, available in English, French, German and Italian, but also video material and a CAP game.

To get an idea of the new course, you can download the brochure. You can also download Franco Sotte's presentation
or the CAP PRO leaflet (two page information about the course, ideal for sharing).

Parallel to the online material, four events will be organised from November 2014 until March 2015 in four major European cities (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome).

So far, the project has been valued as a great initiative by words of the congress' participants. One quoted the e-learning project as a best practice to be repeated in other countries in Europe.

The e-learning course will be available fro Mid-November. The project will be officially launched on November 27 by the Dutch Minister of Agriculture, during a public debate in Amsterdam.

If you want to be kept updated on the e-learning course or on the project as a whole, please subscibe here to the mailing list.