
European Commision

'Can EU CAP it?' Project is co-financed by European Commission, grant agreement AGRI 2014-0115.

Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs

'Can EU CAP it?' Project is co-financed by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Fondation de France

'Can EU CAP it?' Project is co-financed by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Associazione "Alessandro Bartola"

Studies and research on agricultural economics and policy. Italian association with cultural and scientific activities on farming and local development issues. 

Association italienne aux activités culturelles et scientifiques sur l'agriculture et le développement local. Asociación italiana que desarrolla actividades culturales y cientificas sobre agricultura y desarrollo local.


An independent foundation who supports the emergence of a global community. Currently the FPH is among others involved in UITC: "Sustainable Earth International University".

Recommended pages:

Agricultural & Rural Convention

Agricultural and Rural Convention is a platform for debate and the development of a common message for the European institutions concerning the reform of the CAP post 2013

IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature

The World Conservation Union is the world's largest conservation network. The Union brings together 82 States, 111 government agencies, more than 800 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and some 10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries in a worldwide partnership.


Positions des principaux réseaux associatifs européens sur la politique agricole et rurale Statements of the main networks of european civil society about agricultural and rural policy

Mission d'animation des Agrobiosciences

Débats et controverses sur l'agriculture, l'alimentation et les enjeux sociétaux des sciences du vivant.


A non-profit american organization which promotes family farms, rural communities and ecosystems around the world.

Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World

Un réseau international de personnes en faveur d'un développement mondial durable et démocratique. An international network in favour of a sustainable and democratic worldwide development.

Sustainable food laboratory

The Sustainable Food Lab is a group of food system leaders who recognize the current unintended problems with our food system, understand the barriers to change, and are engaged in a collaborative effort to create a better food system for tomorrow

The Eco-Social Forum is an independent platform, who's aim is to spread the idea of an Eco-Social market and to come to concrete actions. The Forum also strives to bring different networks. The Forum is one of the founders of the Global Marshall Planinitiative

Web page of the Directorate general "Agriculture" of the European Union

Le site web de l'initiative européenne LEADER+.
The website of the european LEADER+ initiative.
La página web del programa europeo LEADER+.