PRESS RELEASE: Ecofys study presents new evidence that the European Commission underestimates the GHG of biofuels

European calculation rules substantially underestimate the climate benefit of biofuels in the transport sector.

From Ecofys website

EU transport: Emission savings of biofuels 80% better than thought, new calculations show

PUBLISHED: 12/11/2014

Utrecht/Brussels, 12 November 2014 – European calculation rules substantially underestimate the climate benefit of biofuels in the transport sector. Their greenhouse gas emissions should be compared with the emissions of the fossil fuels that they replace in the market. These ‘marginally’ replaced fossil fuels are much more emitting than the average fossil fuel blend, to which biofuels are currently compared.

International consultants Ecofys have undertaken a study on behalf of the European Oilseed Alliance (EOA), the European Biodiesel Board (EBB) and the European Vegetable Oil and Protein meal Industry (FEDIOL) that explores this subject. The study “Greenhouse gas impact of marginal fossil fuel use” shows that emissions from fossil fuels are substantially underestimated in European legislation.


Lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of biofuels are compared to a ‘fossil comparator’. This comparator is based on the average carbon intensity of an average blend of fossil fuels. It is currently set at 83.8 gCO2eq/MJ in European legislation. The study shows that biofuel greenhouse gas emissions in fact replace emission-intense unconventional fuels such as those derived from oil sands, tight oil and kerogen oil. Read more here ....

Read the full report on "Greenhouse gas impact of marginal fossil fuel use" by Ecorys (accessible via our publication library)