The CAP Game has been launched!

The Groupe de Bruges has developed an online CAP Game that will test players’ knowledge and playing skills. By playing the game, the players will learn about the Common Agricultural policy, rural development, future of farming, natural resources and food security.

The CAP Game is part of the comprehensive social e-learning and discussion platform ‘Can EU CAP it?’. The ‘Can EU CAP it?’ Project has been built on the objective to increase and disseminate the knowledge and discussion of the reformed CAP not only for academics and other experts, but to make this complex policy accessible in simple way to the general public.

Part of the 'Can EU CAP it?' platform is also a unique European School Competition for secondary schools and learning institutions for vocational training. There is no limit to how many school classes can participate - and there is no limit how many times the player can play the Game. 
The competition runs from November 27, 2014 – February 6, 2015.

Play & learn, and win amazing prizes including media attention for your school and one student representing your school at the closing event of the 'Can EU CAP it?' Project - the trip is fully funded!

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Terms & Condititions apply.


The project is developed in association with the Economic Faculty of the University of Ancona, the Associazione Alessandro Bartola.

The development of this game wouldn’t be financially possible without the financial contribution of European Commission and Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

