CIVIC DIALOGUE Gathering by Forum Synergies
CIVIC DIALOGUE Gathering : April 9-12.2015, Wales, UK
in co-operation with PLANED, Pembrokeshire
Please save the date and register asap but latest until 16-2-2015!
Our online registration form is open now!
Please take into account that we will be a rather small group (20 people max.) and that we want to give priority to people who already have a broad experience or are directly working in the field.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Dear friends and members of Forum Synergies,
we are happy to announce our special gathering related to CIVIC DIALOGUE for April 2015. From 9th to 12th we will meet in the region of Pembrokeshire in the South-West of Wales on the invitation of our regional partner PLANED.
We want to bring together people who have a broad experience and can bring in expertise in the field of what we call "CIVIC DIALOGUE". Civic dialogue is a new concept of how we want to approach the broad topic of democracy. Our intention is to deal with the topic of dialogue between different stakeholders. We want to focus on this kind of dialogue when it aims at either influencing policies having a strong impact on territories (e.g. agriculture, food, environment, social cohesion) or at contributing to the solution of local or regional issues of sustainable rural development. We want to give priority to participants who are drivers in this kind of processes and are ready to share their know how! We also want to invite participants to give a short presentation on their field of work and expertise.
We are happy to co-organise this workshop with our local partner PLANED. Since more than 20 years PLANED has a rich experience in facilitation of participative development processes especially on community level.
Together we will discover the region and their philosophy and way of work. Building on the previous workshops Forum Synergies did in Estonia (2013) and France (2014) - reports are available on our website - we will take a common further step to develop and promote CIVIC DIALOGUE as an important pillar of democracy
In order to share our know how and experience in a more practical way we also organise 1-2 training sessions during the meeting. Learning by doing! We want to encourage you as participant to think about giving a training for our group!
Forum Synergies
Draft programme
Arrival: Thursday / Welcome & introduction to the programme
Welcome by our hosts and Forum Synergies
Activities by PLANED
Day 1: Friday/ Discovering Pembrokeshire and PLANED activities
1) Morning: Field trips
visit of 2 - 3 field experiences including discussion with local people
2) Afternoon: Working groups
main issues / questions / ideas raised during the field trips
3) Early evening: Plenary - feedback on visits
Short feedback on the visits by each group
debate and exchange
Day 2: Saturday/ From European policies to real activities
1) Morning: European Policies: 9:00 - 10:00
Which European policies are promoting Civic Dialogue? E.g. Aarhus convention, Water framework Directive, Natura 2000. Short overview
2) "State of the Art" Civic Dialogue in different countries: 10:00 - 12:30 (including coffee-break)
Idea: 1) individual experiences (round table): give time to people to know each other
2) State of the art: examples from 3-4 countries
3) Afternoon: Follow up
Idea: next steps we want to take
4) Training session 14:30 - 18:30
Training on facilitating, moderating a process proposed/ given by some participants
One training session e.g. given by PLANED.
Day 3: Sunday / Training and Departure
1) Training session II (optional)