Is the EU on the right path towards long-term food security?
Why participating?
Our event is an opportunity to highlight the environmental risks that currently undermine Europe’s long term food security, discuss with relevant stakeholders and decision makers whether (often contradictory) policies have been successful at tackling this issue, and look at possible solutions to these challenges which can help us in the future.
Speakers will include scientific experts, representatives from health and environmental NGOs, farmers, and European Commission representatives.
Your participation will surely bring added value to this event and we hope to welcome many of you in Italy!
Please register via this link before August 28th.
Note that due to budget constraints only the 40 first registered participants will receive an access badge to the EXPO site paid for by the organisers– others will be required to pay for it themselves.
See the agenda attached for more information (this event will be held in English without interpretation).
For any questions, please contact Trees Robijns, Senior EU Agriculture and Bioenergy Policy Officer at .