FREE WEBINAR:On the importance of good soil management and the role of European policy
We are organising new (free) webinar on December 16th, 2015 at 12:30 PM. Format: 20 minute session will be followed by live 10 minute Q&A from participants.
Speaker: Boris Boincean, a Groupe de Bruges member and a research professor, doctor habilitate of agricultural sciences,Head of the Department of Sustainable farming Systems at Selectia Research Institute of Field Crops, Chief of the Chair of Natural Sciences and Agroecology at Alecu Russo Balti State University,Republic of Moldova.
The language of this webinar is English.
To register, please follow this link:
Context about this webinar: Industrial model of agricultural intensification didn't provide a sustainable development of agriculture.The economic,ecologic and social problems became more pronounced during the last 25-30 years.We need urgent measures for shifting the paradigm of agricultural intensification-from industrial model to sustainable intensification based on respecting agro-ecological principles of agricultural intensification.
Crop rotation with a higher diversity of crops plays the central role in transition to a more sustainable farming system.It determines also the state of soil quality(soil health). Experimental data will be presented from the long-term field experiments on chernozem soils (more than 50 years) proving a high efficiency of crop rotation in yield production, improving soil fertility and decreasing the dependency from industrial inputs.
Crop rotation with a higher diversity of crops plays the central role in transition to a more sustainable farming system.It determines also the state of soil quality(soil health). Experimental data will be presented from the long-term field experiments on chernozem soils (more than 50 years) proving a high efficiency of crop rotation in yield production, improving soil fertility and decreasing the dependency from industrial inputs.