Rural Youth & Young Farmers Workshop
We would like to invite to the Rural Youth & Young Farmers Workshop, Forum Synergies will organise, in collaboration with the Future Farmers Movement, from 22 to 25 October 2015 in beautiful countryside of the Netherlands!
Participation of an active youth force in rural economies and local development is usually limited by:
· Lack of preconditions and preparatory actions for return of youth to rural areas
· Difficulty to get access to land & finance, both for youth and for young farmers
· Low level of quality vocational and non vocational education in rural areas
· Lack of appropriate support for youth and young farmers' activities in rural areas
Youth including young farmers in rural Europe face these and other challenges, for which there is few motivation to talk about and act for. But here we are ready to broaden the discussions, tackle issues and find common solutions, inspired by Rural Youth initiatives and Young Farmers initiatives around Europe!
You will find hereafter more the programme, detailed information and a link to the registration form.
PROGRAMME - 22-25 Oct. 2015
Thursday 22nd: Arrival and registration of participants
Friday 23rd: Meet more people, learn new things
- Exchange with the European network on Farm Succession
- Discovering the place and participants initiatives (Field trips and Market of initiatives)
Saturday 24th: Vision and needs, analyzing success stories
- Working groups etc..
Sunday 25th: conclusions and departure
- Fees / Costs
Due to support offered by Fondation de France and Fondation Charles Leopold Mayer, no fee will arise for food and accommodation at the gathering.
Partial reimbursements of travel costs will be made available to participants who could otherwise not attend the gathering.
- Registration
Participants are kindly asked to fill in the on-line registration form.
As the number of participants is limited ,please await confirmation of your registration before booking your travel arrangements.
Deadline for registration: September 20th, 2015.
- Travelling and Transport
· Participants should arrive at the venue on Thursday 22nd of October latest by 21H00.
The nearest international airport is Schiphol airport. From there you can get the train to Dronten trainstation (switch trains in Almere).
· International guests may also check options from the airport of Eindhoven (in 3 to 4 hours you can reach Dronten by bus/train)
· We will offer a pickup from Dronten trainstation on Thursday evening
· We will also arrange shuttles back to the train station on Sunday the 25th of october.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact:
Joris van der Kamp - Future Farmers Movement/ Forum Synergies - Phone + 31 633583478
We will get in contact with you about your travel details after confirmation of your participation.
All this information is also available on: