Effects of air pollution on European ecosystems |
2014 |
english |
effects_of_air_pollution_on_european_ecosystems_-_european_environment_agency_2014.pdf |
Long-term impact and sustainability of LIFE nature |
2014 |
english |
long_term_impact_and_sustainability_of_life_nature_-_european_commission_2014.pdf |
Organic farming: A guide on support opportunities for organic producers in Europe |
2014 |
english |
support-opportunities-guide_en.pdf |
Green Revolution research saved an estimate 18 to 20 million hectares from being brought into agricultural production |
2013 |
english |
green_revolution_saves_millions_hectares_of_nature_-_pnas.pdf |
Biodiversity in organic and low-input farming systems |
2012 |
english |
biodiversity_in_organic_and_low-input_agriculture_-_handbook_alterra_2012.pdf |
Biodiversity Indicators for European Farming Systems |
2012 |
english |
biodiversity_inicators_european_farming_systems_guidebook_2012.pdf |
Common Agricultural Policy from 2014 - Perspectives for more Biodiversity and Environmental Benefits of Farming? |
2012 |
english |
ifab_capenvironment-study-results-nov2012-en.pdf |
Biodiversity and ecosystem services - scaling up business solutions |
2012 |
english |
biodiversity_and_ecosystem_services_-_wbcsd.pdf |
Competing claims on land for food and biodiversity |
2011 |
english |
competing_land_claims_food_biodiversity_lei_2011.pdf |
The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 |
2011 |
english |
the_eu_biodiversity_strategy_to_2020.pdf |
The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity |
2010 |
english |
teeb_synthreport_economics_of_ecosystemsbiodiversity.pdf |
Global plan of action for animal genetic resources and the Interlaken declaration |
2007 |
english |
global_plan_of_action_for_animal_genetic_resources_-_fao_2014_biodiversity.pdf |