Break Even Point in Circular Economy of Biofuels (Conference paper) |
2015 |
english |
biofuels.pdf |
Where to produce rapeseed biodiesel and why? Mappin European rapeseed energy efficiency |
2015 |
english |
where_to_produce_rapeseed_biodiesel_in_europe_and_why.pdf |
Sustainability criteria for bioenergy |
2014 |
english |
draft_sustainability_criteria_for_bioenergy_-_iso_13065_2014.pdf |
Greenhouse gas impact of marginal fossil fuel use |
2014 |
english |
biofuels_ecofys-2014-ghg-impact-of-marginal-fossil-fuels.pdf |
Biorefining: Sustainable and synergetic processing of biomass into marketabe food & feed ingredients, products (chemicals, materials), and energy (fuel, power, heat) |
2014 |
english |
iea_bioenergy_task42_biorefining_brochure_sep2014_lr.pdf |
Biofuels - At What Cost? A review of costs and benefits of EU biofuel policies |
2013 |
english |
biofuels_at_what_cost_gsi_iisd_april_2013.pdf |
Biofuels and food security |
2013 |
english |
hlpe-report-5_biofuels_and_food_security.pdf |
Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A bioeconomy for Europe |
2012 |
english |
a_bio-economy_for_europe_ec2012.pdf |
Fuel for thought - Addressing the social impacts of EU biofuels policies |
2012 |
english |
biofuels_report_7_actonaid.pdf |
Global food supply and the impacts of increased use of biofuels |
2012 |
english |
globalfoodsupplyimpacts_biofuels_nonhebel.pdf |
Learning from the Indirect Land Use Change Debate |
2012 |
english |
iatp_indirect_land_use_change.pdf |
The energy report: 100% renewable energy by 2050 |
2011 |
english |
wwf_energy_report_final_print_2.pdf |
The model region of Gussing - An example of the Austrian grassroots strategy for energy independency |
2011 |
english |
gussing_energy_model.doc |
Biodiesel in Germany/Europe |
2011 |
english |
biodiesel_ufop_24112011en.ppt |
Energy Roadmap 2050 |
2011 |
english |
energy_roadmap_2050_communication_european_commission2011.pdf |
Getting to the core of the bio-economy: perspective on the sustainable promise of biomass |
2011 |
english |
report_biobased_economy.pdf |
Oilseed Rape |
2009 |
english |
holl_speciality_oilseed_rape_-_monsanto.pdf |
Sustainable Bioenergy: A framework for decision makers |
2007 |
english |
sustainable_energy_un.pdf |
Agricultural market impacts on future growth in the production of biofuels |
2006 |
english |
biofuels_agr_ca_apm200524_final_eng.pdf |