Publications ยป Innovation

Title Year Language Read
Draft Horizion 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 in the area of Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy 2014 english work_programme_horizon_2020_-_agriculture.pdf
Strategic Implemention Plan European Innovation Partnership "Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability" 2013 english strategic-implementation-plan_eip_agsustainability.pdf
Draft guidelines on programming for innovation and the implementation of the EIP for agricultural productivity and sustainability 2013 english draft-eip-guidelines_en.pdf
Collection of examples supporting Knowledge Transfer & Innovation 2013 english examples_of_kti_enrd_focus_group_kti.pdf
Agricultural research for sustainable agriculture and global food security 2012 english aprodev_policy_brief_horizon2020_final_31102012.pdf
Agro-ecology: Ten examples of succesful innovation in agriculture 2012 english eco_innovation_broch_24pages_eng_lr.pdf
Enhancing and focusing EU international cooperation in research and innovation: A strategic approach 2012 english horizon2020_-_strategic_approach.pdf
Competitive European Regions through Research and Innovation - New practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for research and innovation 2011 english st13619en11_competitiveeuropeanregionsthroughresearchandinnovation.pdf
State of the world: Innovations that nourish the planet 2011 english stateoftheworld2011.pdf
Green paper on From challenges to opportunities: Towards a common strategic framework for EU research and innovation funding 2011 english com_2011_0048_csf_green_paper_en-research.pdf
Agricultural innovation for food security and poverty reduction in the 21st century: Issues for Africa and the World 2010 english sow1120issues20paper_full20version_final.pdf
Study on Employment, Growth and Innovation in Rural Areas (SEGIRA) - Main report 2010 english ecorys_segira_fulltext.pdf
Study on Employment, Growth and Innovation in Rural Areas (SEGIRA) - Summary 2010 english ecorys_segira_summary.pdf
EU Rural Review - Creativity and Innovation in EU Rural Development 2010 english enrd_rural_review2_innovation.pdf
Consultation on the Future "EU 2020" Strategy - Working document 2009 english eu2020_strategy.pdf
What does the world want to eat? Report of the Future of Food seminar 2008 english future-of-food_report_brussels.pdf
What does the world want to eat? Report of the Future of Food seminar - Summary 2008 english future-of-food_summary_brussels.pdf