Towards a common food policy for the European Union: A three-year participatory process of Deliberation, Research and Citizen Engagement |
2016 |
english |
iped_cfp_conceptnote_final.pdf |
The new science of sustainable food systems: Overcoming barriers to food systems reform (Executive summary) |
2015 |
english |
ipes_report01_ipes_executivesummary_br_pages.pdf |
The challenge of food security |
2014 |
english |
the_challenge_of_food_security_-_j._rocher.pdf |
Final report: The transformative potential of the right to food |
2014 |
english |
final_report_oliver_de_schutter_un_2014.pdf |
Food Prices: Tighten Your Belt or Produce |
2014 |
english |
food_prices_-_f._smider.doc |
Good enough to eat |
2014 |
english |
good-enough-to-eat-oxfam-media-brief-012014.pdf |
Actions and accountability to accelerate the world's progress on nutrition |
2014 |
english |
global_nutrition_report_2014_food_security.pdf |
Yield trends are insufficient to double global crop production by2050 |
2014 |
english |
plos_-_global_crop_production.pdf |
Biofuels and food security |
2013 |
english |
hlpe-report-5_biofuels_and_food_security.pdf |
The geopolitics of raw materials for agriculture and food production |
2013 |
english |
the_geopolitics_of_raw_materials_for_agriculture_and_food_production_-_platform_agriculture_innovation_society_2014.pdf |
Right to food - Interim report |
2013 |
english |
10_years_right_to_food_-_un_o._de_schutter_2013.pdf |
Feeding the World without Consuming the Planet - 2013 Food Symposium Program |
2013 |
english |
2013_food_symposium_program_-_mit.pdf |
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022 |
2013 |
english |
agricultural_outlook_2013-2022_-_oecd-fao.pdf |
Trade and Environment review 2013: Wake up before it is too late |
2013 |
english |
unctad_-_trade_and_environment_review_2013._wake_up_before_it_is_too_late.pdf |
Achieving the New Vision for Agriculture: New Models for Action |
2013 |
english |
world_economic_forum_new_vision_agriculture_new_models_for_action_report.pdf |
The future of agriculture |
2013 |
english |
oxfam_future-of-agriculture-synthesis-discussion.pdf |
Resolving the Food Crisis - Assessing Global Policy Reforms Since 2007 |
2012 |
english |
resolvingfoodcrisis_iatpgdae2012.pdf |
The state of food and agriculture - Executive summary |
2012 |
english |
fao_state-of_foodagriculture_2012_summary.pdf |
Global food supply and the impacts of increased use of biofuels |
2012 |
english |
globalfoodsupplyimpacts_biofuels_nonhebel.pdf |
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021 |
2012 |
english |
oecd-fao_agricultural-outlook_2012-2021_summary.pdf |