Spatial Planning and Monitoring of Landscape Interventions: Maps to link people with their landscapes - A users guide |
2014 |
english |
spatial_planning_and_monitoring.pdf |
Land concentration, land grabbing and people's struggles in Europe |
2013 |
english |
land_in_europe_via_campesina.pdf |
Land grabs and fragile food systems - The role of globalisation |
2013 |
english |
landgrabsfoodsystem_s.murphy_iatp2013.pdf |
Assessing the risk of farmland abandonment in the EU |
2013 |
english |
assessing_the_risk_of_farmland_abandonment_in_the_eu_-_jrc_2013.pdf |
Changes in European land cover from 2000 to 2006 |
2013 |
english |
changes_in_european_land_cover_from_2000_to_2006.pdf |
Hidden impacts - How Europe's resource overconsumption promotes global land conflicts |
2013 |
english |
hiddenimpact_howeuropesresourcesoverconsumptionpromotesgloballandconflicts.pdf |
Land rights and the Rush for Land - Summary |
2012 |
english |
ilc_rush_for_land_summary.pdf |
Changes in cereal land use and production level in the European Union during the period 1999-2009, focusing on New Member States |
2012 |
english |
changesincereallanduseandproductionlevelintheeuropeanunionduringtheperiod1999-2009focusingonnewmemberstates.pdf |
Securing our common future through environmentally sustainable land management |
2009 |
english |
lupg_vision_summary_a4_2pp_-_final_220109.pdf |
Facilitating sustainability of agriculture at regional level - Principles and case studies from across Europe (Handbook) |
english |
final_farmpath_-_a5_handbook.pdf |