From "Greening" to "Greenwash": the drivers and discourses of CAP 2020 reform |
2015 |
english |
political_economy_of_the_cap_final_small.pdf |
Greening facing the European talks and the national choices: a comparative study on seven Member States |
2015 |
english |
ppt_greening_september_3rd_2015.pdf |
Delegated Acts Administration and Control System |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_administration_and_control_system_march_2014.pdf |
Letter on CAP delegated acts for all cabinet members |
2014 |
english |
letter_on_cap_delegated_acts_for_all_cabinets_-_arc2020_et.al_.doc |
Delegated Acts CAP School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_cap_school_fruit_and_vegetabels_scheme_march_2014.pdf |
CAP reform, a vision from Brussels and Spain |
2014 |
english |
cap_reform_a_vision_from_brussels_and_spain_-_tomas_azcarate.pdf |
Delegated Acts CAP Direct payments |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_direct_payments_march_2014.pdf |
Delegated Acts CMO Fruit and Vegetables |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_cmo_fruit_and_vegetables_march_2014.pdf |
Proposal for a new EU Common Agricultural Policy |
2014 |
english |
cap_proposal_birdlife.pdf |
Delegated Acts Reduction payments |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_reduction_payments_2014_march_2014.pdf |
Delegated Acts Rural Development |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_rural_development_march_2014.pdf |
The first CAP reform under the ordinary legislative procedure: A political economy perspective (Study) |
2014 |
english |
cap_reform_process_evaluation_-_european_parliament_cap.pdf |
Le futur de la PAC apres 2013 |
2014 |
french |
cdr127-2010_rev1_pac_fr.doc |
Europeans, agriculture and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) |
2014 |
english |
special_eurobarometer_410_cap_reform.pdf |
CAP fact sheet Latvia |
2014 |
english |
cap_fact_sheet_latvia_-_eeb_jan_2014.pdf |
CAP fact sheet Lithuania |
2014 |
english |
cap_fact_sheet_lithuania_-_eeb_jan_2014.pdf |
CAP fact sheet Spain |
2014 |
english |
cap_fact_sheet_spain_-_eeb_jan_2014.pdf |
Les paiements contra-cycliques: une fausse bonne idee |
2014 |
french |
les_paiements_contracycliques-_une_fausse_bonne_idee_-_t._garcia_azcarate.pdf |
CAP fact sheet Italy |
2014 |
english |
cap_factsheet_italy_-_eeb_jan_2014.pdf |
Le politique agricole commune apres 2013: Debat public |
2013 |
french |
cap_after_2013_public_debate_summary-report_fr.pdf |