Publications » CAP reform 2014-2020

Title Year Language Read
The future of CAP market measures 2011 english the_future_of_cap_market_measures_-_european_commission_2014.pdf
The future of rural development policy 2011 english the_future_of_rural_development_policy_-_european_commission_2014.pdf
Council report - The CAP towards 2020: meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future 2011 english report_council_24-2-2011.doc
Presidential conclusion - The CAP towards 2020: meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future 2011 english council_cap20110317.pdf
Disaggregated Impacts of CAP Reforms: Proceedings of an OECD workshop 2011 english disaggregated_impacts_capreforms_oecd.pdf
Plenary sitting - The CAP towards 2020: meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future 2011 english dess-report_amendedapproved.pdf
Opinion by EESC on the CAP towards 2020: meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future 2011 english eesc_opinion_on_cap_proposals.doc
The CAP towards 2020: meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future 2011 english report_council_24-2-2011.doc
Direct payments in the CAP post 2013 2011 english ep20note20direct20payments_tangermann.pdf
Regulation on support for rural development y EAFRD 2011 english leaked_new_rdr_20jul11.pdf
The CAP post 2012 - Closing report 2010 english matthews-closing-report_en.pdf
My vision on the CAP post 2013 2010 english cap.2013_h._popp.docx
Choosing today for a stronger CAP tomorrow 2010 english orientation_paper_cap_reform.pdf
The CAP towards 2020: working paper on the EC Communication of November 2010 2010 english pe438618_en_summary.pdf
Avenir de la PAC 2014-2020: Constats, propositions et leviers d'action 2010 french propositions_groupe_pac_2013.pdf
The CAP towards 2020: meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future 2010 english ec_draft_communication_on_cap_towards_2020_100929.pdf
The future of the CAP after 2013 2010 english cdr127-2010_rev1_pac_en1.doc
Working document on The Future of the CAP after 2013 2010 english en_george_lyan_working_document.doc
Agro-political perspectives after 2013 - Austria's attitude towards Common Agricultural Policy 2010 english austrias_perspectives_after_2013.doc
The CAP's contribution to the collective well-being: A complex assessment 2010 english gohin-notreeurope_ang.pdf
