Les accords de libre-échange : TPP, TTIP |
2016 |
french |
tpp_ttip_accords_de_libre_echange.docx |
The Transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) - State of Play |
2016 |
english |
tpp_ttip_state_of_play.pdf |
EU-US trade deal: A bumpercrop for 'big food'? |
2013 |
english |
iatp_and_foee_factsheet_on_food_in_ttip.pdf |
La folie furieuse de vouloir intégrer l'agriculture dans un accord de libre-échange transatlantique UE-USA |
2013 |
french |
la_folie_dintegrer_lagriculture_dans_un_accord_transatlantique_ue-eu_-_jacques_bertelot.pdf |
Trade and Environment review 2013: Wake up before it is too late |
2013 |
english |
unctad_-_trade_and_environment_review_2013._wake_up_before_it_is_too_late.pdf |
CAP and EU Trade Policy Reform: Assessing impact on developing countries |
2013 |
english |
lei-report-cap-and-eu-trade-policy-reform_may_2013.pdf |
The Added Value of the European Single Market |
2013 |
english |
added-value_european_single_market_2013.pdf |
Agricultural trade in 2013: EU gains in commodity exports |
2013 |
english |
market_2014-1_en.pdf |
Solidarités comments on the State of play of DDA negotiations |
2013 |
english |
solidarites_comments_on_the_state_of_play_of_dda_negotiations_24_january_2013.pdf |
Orientations pour la PAC..Aprés la Réforme |
2013 |
french |
reforme_pac_dans_le_cadre_du_omc_-_j._rocher.docx |
Orientations for the CAP… After the reform |
2013 |
english |
cap_in_the_framework_of_the_wto_-_j._rocher_en.docx |
TAFTA: Letter on TTIP |
2013 |
english |
tafta-letter-070813_ttip.pdf |
The sheer madness of integrating agriculture into a transatlantic free trade agreement |
2013 |
english |
the_sheer_madness_to_integrate_agriculture_into_a_transatlantic_fta_-_jacques_bertelot.pdf |
Les coopératives agricoles européennes promotrices de la mondialisation inégale |
2012 |
french |
la_folie_dintegrer_lagriculture_dans_un_accord_transatlantique_ue-eu_-_jacques_bertelot.png |
Agricultural trade in 2012: A good story to tell in a difficult year? |
2012 |
english |
monitoring_ag_trade_policy_2012.pdf |
Reconsidering Global Institutions and Activism in the Age of Occupy - Meeting Report |
2012 |
english |
blue_mountain_center_meeting_report_may_2012.docx |
Advisory Group on International Aspects on the CAP |
2012 |
english |
solidarite-statement-on-the-cap-international-aspects.pdf |
The European agricultural cooperatives, promoters of the unequal globalisation |
2012 |
english |
eu_agricultural_cooperatives_promoters_of_the_unequal_globalization_solidarite.doc |
Making U.S. Trade Policy Serve Global Food Security Goals |
2011 |
english |
iatp_hansen_ustradepolicy.pdf |
"Can Trade Policy Really Impact Public Health? An Obesity Case Study from Mexico |
2011 |
english |
blogs.worldwatch.org-trade_policyobesity.pdf |