Alternative futures of rural areas in the EU |
2009 |
english |
alt-futures_rural_areas_lei.pdf |
A better functioning food supply chain in Europe - Competition in the food supply chain |
2009 |
english |
publication16065_competition_food_chain_ec.pdf |
Le rôle de la coopération en faveur du développement et de l'aide alimentaire dans la réalisation du droit à une alimentation suffisante: de la charité à l'obligation |
2009 |
french |
the_right_to_food_unhrcfr.pdf |
Agriculture at a crossroads - Résumé à l'intention des décideurs |
2009 |
french |
agriculture_at_a_crossroads_executive_summaryfr.pdf |
The climate change challenge for European Regions |
2009 |
english |
regions2020_dg_regio_climateen.pdf |
Roadmap to boost the European agro-food industry |
2009 |
english |
agro_food_industry_roadmapen.pdf |
Outcomes of the High-Level Group on the Competitiveness of the Agro-Food Industry Proposal to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the EU food supply chain |
2009 |
english |
publication16065_competition_food_chain_ec_acc_doc.pdf |
Imported food could be greener than local, says DEFRA |
2009 |
english |
imported_food_could_be_greener_than_local.doc |
EU agriculture and climate change |
2009 |
english |
ep-ag-and_climate_change.pdf |
New challenges for agricultural research: Climate change, Food security, rural development, agricultural knowledge systems |
2009 |
english |
scar_foresight_process_publication_exercise.pdf |
Riding the wave: high prices, big business? The role of multinationals in the international grain markets |
2009 |
english |
riding_the_wave_lei2009.pdf |
The national food administration's environmentally effective food choices - Proposal notified to the EU |
2009 |
english |
environmentally_effective_food_choices_proposal_eu_2009.pdf |
Une feuille de route pour développer l'industrie agroalimentaire européenne |
2009 |
french |
agro_food_industry_roadmapfr.pdf |
Global food responsibility - The European Union and the United States must chart a new path |
2009 |
english |
global_food_responsibility_iatp.pdf |
Analysis of price transmission along the food supply chain in the EU |
2009 |
english |
publication16067_price_transmission_ec.pdf |
Situation on the milk market |
2009 |
english |
situation_milk_market_ec.pdf |
Globalisation challenges for European regions |
2009 |
english |
regions2020_dg_regio_globalisationen.pdf |
Beyond factory farming - Sustainable Solutions for Animals, Peopleand the Planet |
2009 |
english |
beyondfactoryfarmingreport2009_compassioninworldfarming.pdf |
"A Common Agricultural Policy for European Public Goods: Declaration by a Group of Leading Agricultural Economists" |
2009 |
english |
declaration_agricultural_economists.doc |
Agricultural commodity derivative markets: the way ahead |
2009 |
english |
publication16071_derivative_markets_ec.pdf |