
Title Year Language Read
The sheer madness of integrating agriculture into a transatlantic free trade agreement 2013 english the_sheer_madness_to_integrate_agriculture_into_a_transatlantic_fta_-_jacques_bertelot.pdf
Commodity price dashboard no 20 - December 2013 2013 english commodity_price_dashboard_dec2013_-_european_commission.pdf
Biofuels and food security 2013 english hlpe-report-5_biofuels_and_food_security.pdf
Regulation 1308/2013 Market measures 2013 english regulation_1308-2013_market_measures.pdf
Origine des politiques agricoles 2013 french politique_agricole_commune_12_-_gilles_allaire_2013.pdf
Regulation 1310/2013 Transitional regulation 2013 english regulation_1310-2013_transitional_regulation_2014.pdf
Urban Food Strategies: the rough guide to sustainable food systems 2013 english urban_food_strategies_-_fooflinks_2013.pdf
EU-US trade deal: A bumpercrop for 'big food'? 2013 english iatp_and_foee_factsheet_on_food_in_ttip.pdf
The forgotten half of food system reform: Using food and agricultural law to foster healthy food production 2013 english using_food_and_agricultural_law_to_foster_healthy_food_production_-_e._broad_leib_2013.pdf
Green Revolution research saved an estimate 18 to 20 million hectares from being brought into agricultural production 2013 english green_revolution_saves_millions_hectares_of_nature_-_pnas.pdf
NGO's Open Letter: Boost sustainable investments in rural areas and green job creation. Eject further cuts to Pillar 2 2013 english 130902-commonngo-letter-cap-mff.pdf
The geopolitics of raw materials for agriculture and food production 2013 english the_geopolitics_of_raw_materials_for_agriculture_and_food_production_-_platform_agriculture_innovation_society_2014.pdf
Right to food - Interim report 2013 english 10_years_right_to_food_-_un_o._de_schutter_2013.pdf
Strategic Implemention Plan European Innovation Partnership "Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability" 2013 english strategic-implementation-plan_eip_agsustainability.pdf
La folie furieuse de vouloir intégrer l'agriculture dans un accord de libre-échange transatlantique UE-USA 2013 french la_folie_dintegrer_lagriculture_dans_un_accord_transatlantique_ue-eu_-_jacques_bertelot.pdf
Eating City Summer Campus DECLARATION 2013 english declaration_eating_city_summer_campus_2013.pdf
Feeding the World without Consuming the Planet - 2013 Food Symposium Program 2013 english 2013_food_symposium_program_-_mit.pdf
Overview on milk prices and production costs world wide - Press release 2013 english press-release-ifcn-dairy-report-2013_-_overview_on_milk_prices_worldwide.pdf
Have the member states and the Commission achieved value for money with the measures for diversifying the rural economy? 2013 english evaluation_of_effectiveness_axis_3_-_european_court_of_auditors_2013.pdf
CAP and EU Trade Policy Reform: Assessing impact on developing countries 2013 english lei-report-cap-and-eu-trade-policy-reform_may_2013.pdf
