Series | Where Next for CAP – Can Strategic Plans Deliver? |
2019 |
english |
cap_delivery_model190701.pdf |
Les accords de libre-échange : TPP, TTIP |
2016 |
french |
tpp_ttip_accords_de_libre_echange.docx |
Towards a common food policy for the European Union: A three-year participatory process of Deliberation, Research and Citizen Engagement |
2016 |
english |
iped_cfp_conceptnote_final.pdf |
Science for Environmental Policy |
2016 |
english |
good_agricultural_practices_reduce_soil_erosion_and_increase_organic_carbon_stocks_in_italy.pdf |
The Transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) - State of Play |
2016 |
english |
tpp_ttip_state_of_play.pdf |
Overview of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in Europe |
2016 |
english |
overview-of-community-supported-agriculture-in-europe-final.pdf |
The new science of sustainable food systems: Overcoming barriers to food systems reform (Executive summary) |
2015 |
english |
ipes_report01_ipes_executivesummary_br_pages.pdf |
An economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture |
2015 |
english |
jrc90788_ecampa_final.pdf |
Extent of farmland grabbing in the EU (Study) |
2015 |
english |
study_tni_policy_dep._b.pdf |
Rural development priorities 2014-2020 |
2015 |
english |
publi-enrd-brochure01-2015.pdf |
Where to produce rapeseed biodiesel and why? Mappin European rapeseed energy efficiency |
2015 |
english |
where_to_produce_rapeseed_biodiesel_in_europe_and_why.pdf |
From "Greening" to "Greenwash": the drivers and discourses of CAP 2020 reform |
2015 |
english |
political_economy_of_the_cap_final_small.pdf |
Greening facing the European talks and the national choices: a comparative study on seven Member States |
2015 |
english |
ppt_greening_september_3rd_2015.pdf |
Break Even Point in Circular Economy of Biofuels (Conference paper) |
2015 |
english |
biofuels.pdf |
Delegated Acts Administration and Control System |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_administration_and_control_system_march_2014.pdf |
Rural transformations under Common Agricultural Policy 2007-2013 and future development |
2014 |
english |
erdn_gotowy-net.pdf |
Letter on CAP delegated acts for all cabinet members |
2014 |
english |
letter_on_cap_delegated_acts_for_all_cabinets_-_arc2020_et.al_.doc |
Down on the farm - Wall Street: America's new farmer |
2014 |
english |
report_down_on_the_farm_-_oakland_institute_2014.pdf |
Preventing food wastage in the food and drink sector |
2014 |
english |
preventing_food_wastage_in_the_food_and_drink_sector_-_fooddrink_europe_food_waste.pdf |
Delegated Acts CAP School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_cap_school_fruit_and_vegetabels_scheme_march_2014.pdf |