Publications » Supply chains

Title Year Language Read
The Power of Procurement: Public purchasing in the service of realizing the right to food 2014 english the_power_of_procurement_-_o._de_schutter_un_2014.pdf
Concentrated Market Power and Agricultural Trade - Discussion Papers 2014 english iatp_on_concentration_retail.pdf
Agrifood industry transformation & small farmers in developing countries 2014 english wd-specialissue_introduction_final_version_forthcoming_accepted_sept_2008.pdf
Short food supply chains as drivers of sustainable development 2013 english short_food_supply_chains_as_drivers_for_sustainable_development_-_foodlinks_2013.pdf
Short food supply chains and local food systems in the EU. A state of play of their socio-economic characteristics. 2013 english short_supply_chains_local_food_systems_in_eu_-_jrc_2013.pdf
Small producer agency in the globalised market: Making choices in a changing world 2012 english b._vorley_et.al_._small_producer_agency_in_globalised_market.pdf
European Parliament resolution of 19 January 2012 on the farm input supply chain: structure and implications 2012 english ep-resolution_farm_input_supply_chain.doc
Local food systems in Europe: Case studies from five countries and what they imply for policy and practice 2010 english faan_booklet_print.pdf
Working document on Fair revenues for farmers: A better functioning food supply chain in Europe 2010 english http_www.europarl.europa.eu_sides_getdoc.do_pubref-_ep_nonsgmlcomparlpe-439.pdf
Global Powers of the consumer products industry 2010 - Extracting value 2010 english nl_en_cb_global_powers_consumer_products_2010.pdf
Intégrer les petits producteurs dans les filières d'approvisionnement: les grandes enterprises doivent changer leur modèle 2010 french petits_producteurs_dans_filieres_dapprovisionnemt.pdf
The impact of private labels on the competitiveness of the European food supply chain 2010 english private_labels_-_lei.pdf
A better functioning food supply chain in Europe 2009 english publication16061_food_supply_chain_ec.pdf
A better functioning food supply chain in Europe - Competition in the food supply chain 2009 english publication16065_competition_food_chain_ec.pdf
Roadmap to boost the European agro-food industry 2009 english agro_food_industry_roadmapen.pdf
Outcomes of the High-Level Group on the Competitiveness of the Agro-Food Industry Proposal to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the EU food supply chain 2009 english publication16065_competition_food_chain_ec_acc_doc.pdf
Une feuille de route pour développer l'industrie agroalimentaire européenne 2009 french agro_food_industry_roadmapfr.pdf
Analysis of price transmission along the food supply chain in the EU 2009 english publication16067_price_transmission_ec.pdf
Agricultural commodity derivative markets: the way ahead 2009 english publication16071_derivative_markets_ec.pdf
La Commission propose des actions concrètes pour améliorer les performances de la chaîne d'approvisionnement alimentaire dans l'UE 2009 french ec_food_supply_chainsfr.pdf
