CAP reform, a vision from Brussels and Spain |
2014 |
english |
cap_reform_a_vision_from_brussels_and_spain_-_tomas_azcarate.pdf |
Overcoming obesity: An initial economic analysis (Discussion paper) |
2014 |
english |
overcoming_obesity._an_initial_economic_analysis_-_mckinsey_2014_health_and_nutrition.pdf |
Delegated Acts CAP School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_cap_school_fruit_and_vegetabels_scheme_march_2014.pdf |
House-Senate negotiators announce bipartisan agreement on final farm bill |
2014 |
english |
bipartisanagreement_on_farm_bill_jan_2014.pdf |
Climate change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability |
2014 |
english |
ipcc_wgii_ar_summary_for_policy_makers.pdf |
Delegated Acts CAP Direct payments |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_direct_payments_march_2014.pdf |
Commodity price dashboard no 12 - June 2014 |
2014 |
english |
commodity_price_dashboard_-_ec_june_2014.pdf |
Food losses and waste in the contex of sustainable food systems |
2014 |
english |
food_losses_and_waste_in_the_context_of_sustainble_food_systems_-_hlpe_fao_2014.pdf |
Proposal for a new EU Common Agricultural Policy |
2014 |
english |
cap_proposal_birdlife.pdf |
Beyond the farm bill - Conference report |
2014 |
english |
beyond_the_farm_bill_iatp_conference_report.pdf |
Sustainable intensification is unsustainable |
2014 |
english |
sustainable_intensification_is_unsustainable.docx |
Delegated Acts CMO Fruit and Vegetables |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_cmo_fruit_and_vegetables_march_2014.pdf |
Commodity price dashboard no 13 - June 2013 |
2014 |
english |
commodity_price_dashboard_ag_commidities_-_ec_june_2013.pdf |
Environmental indicator report 2013 - Natural resources and human well-being in a green economy |
2014 |
english |
environmental-indicator-report-2013_-2.pdf |
Leader as part of “community-led local development” under the CSF; networking aspects |
2014 |
english |
leadercsf.ppt |
The growth of soy: Impacts and Solutions |
2014 |
english |
the_growth_of_soy_impacts_and_solutions_wwf_2014.pdf |
Delegated Acts Reduction payments |
2014 |
english |
delegated_acts_reduction_payments_2014_march_2014.pdf |
Commodity price dashboard no 20 - January 2014 |
2014 |
english |
commodity_price_dashboard_jan_2014-_european_commission.pdf |
Agroecology: Principles and Practices |
2014 |
english |
agroecology_principles_and_practices_-_miguel_altieri.pptx |
Yield trends are insufficient to double global crop production by2050 |
2014 |
english |
plos_-_global_crop_production.pdf |