
Title Year Language Read
Agricultural knowledge and innovation systems in transition - a reflection paper 2012 english agricultural_knowledge_and_innovation_systems_in_transition_-_a_reflection_paper.pdf
Draft report on a resource-efficient Europe 2012 english resource-efficient_europe_ep-report.pdf
Opinion on the Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020 2012 english european_court_auditors_on_cap_proposals.pdf
Common Agricultural Policy from 2014 - Perspectives for more Biodiversity and Environmental Benefits of Farming? 2012 english ifab_capenvironment-study-results-nov2012-en.pdf
Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture - Supporting Climate-Friendly Food Production 2012 english climate_and_agriculture_-_world_watch_institute_2012.pdf
Double pyramid 2012: enabling sustainable food choices 2012 english double_pyramid_2012_sustainable_food_choices_barilla_center_for_food_nutrition.pdf
Green Growth in Practice - Lessons from Country Experiences 2012 english green-growth-in-practice-062014-full-1.pdf
Les coopératives agricoles européennes promotrices de la mondialisation inégale 2012 french la_folie_dintegrer_lagriculture_dans_un_accord_transatlantique_ue-eu_-_jacques_bertelot.png
Agricultural research for sustainable agriculture and global food security 2012 english aprodev_policy_brief_horizon2020_final_31102012.pdf
Land rights and the Rush for Land - Summary 2012 english ilc_rush_for_land_summary.pdf
Adaptation inspiration book - 22 implemented cases of lcoal climate change adaptation to inspire European citizens 2012 english circle-2_adapdation_inspiration_book_climate_change.pdf
Working towards sustainable development - Opportunities for decent work and social inclusion in a green economy 2012 english ilo_working_towards_sustainable_development2012.pdf
Agriculture and the threat of water scarce in alpine regions 2012 english sr103_agriculture_and_the_threat_of_water_scare_in_alpine_regions2012.pdf
Agricultural trade in 2012: A good story to tell in a difficult year? 2012 english monitoring_ag_trade_policy_2012.pdf
Inclusive wealth report 2012 - Measuring progress toward sustainability 2012 english inclusive-wealth-report-2012-unep.pdf
GM cure threatens to be much worse than any agricultural disease 2012 english g._lynch_-_gm_cure_threatens_to_be_much_worse_than_any_disease.doc
Small producer agency in the globalised market: Making choices in a changing world 2012 english b._vorley_et.al_._small_producer_agency_in_globalised_market.pdf
Agro-ecology: Ten examples of succesful innovation in agriculture 2012 english eco_innovation_broch_24pages_eng_lr.pdf
Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A bioeconomy for Europe 2012 english a_bio-economy_for_europe_ec2012.pdf
Food security and national security: Learning from China's approach to managing its wheat supplies 2011 english iatp_foodsecurity_china.pdf
