
Title Year Language Read
The CAP towards 2020: Impact Assessment of Alternative Policy Options 2011 english cap_impact_assessment.pdf
Food security and national security: Learning from China's approach to managing its wheat supplies 2011 english iatp_foodsecurity_china.pdf
Biodiesel in Germany/Europe 2011 english biodiesel_ufop_24112011en.ppt
The EU-15 dumping of animal products on average from 2006 to 2008 2011 english dumping, livestock, livestock farming, export, import, export refunds, agricultural products, milk
The CAP in perspective: from market intervention to policy innovation 2011 english the_cap_in_perspective_from_market_intervention_to_policy_innovation_-_european_commission_2014.pdf
EU Rural Review - Agricultural product quality: a success factor for EU rural areas 2011 english enrd_rural_review8_organic_farmingquality_productsen.pdf
EU Rural Review - Public Goods and Rural Development 2011 english ruralreview7_publicgoods_rd.pdf
DERREG - Developing Europe's Rural Regions in the Era of Globalization 2011 english derreg20policy20brief20final20version.pdf
The state of the world's land and water resources for food and agriculture - Summary report 2011 english waterland_resources_fao.pdf
Food security and the EU's Common Agricultural Policy: Facts Against Fears 2011 english zahrnt_foodsecturitycap.pdf
The model region of Gussing - An example of the Austrian grassroots strategy for energy independency 2011 english gussing_energy_model.doc
Rural development in the CAP post 2013 2011 english jabor_rdpost2013.ppt
The future of CAP direct payments 2011 english the_future_of_cap_direct_payments_-_european_commission_2014.pdf
Territoires, produits et acteurs locaux: des liens de qualité - Guide pour promouvoirla qualité liée à l'origine et des indications géographiques durables 2011 english fao_quality_guidefr.pdf
Summary for policy makers 2011 english ena_policy_summary_nitrogen.pdf
State of Play of Leader 2011 english leader_eu_state_of_play.pdf
The future of CAP market measures 2011 english the_future_of_cap_market_measures_-_european_commission_2014.pdf
Moving away from business as usual in agriculture 2011 english moving_away_from_business-as_usual_in_agriculture_iddri2012.pdf
Do the design and management of the geographical indications scheme allow it to be effective? 2011 english geogprahical_indications_scheme_eca.pdf
Sustainable value analysis: Sustainability in a new light 2011 english svappas_eurochoice_article.pdf
