
Title Year Language Read
Historical price volatility 2009 english ec_volatility_en.pdf
Towards a Common Agricultural Policy that meets today's challenges 2009 english 2009_11_statement14_common_agricultural_policy.pdf
A blueprint for reform of the WTO agreement on agriculture 2009 english wto_agriculture_ecipe.pdf
The keys to a European strategy for rural development 2009 english note-rural_development-mjouen-en_notre_europe.pdf
Key food chain partners to launch sustainability roundtable 2009 english pr_efscprt_final_260209.pdf
State of the world: Into a warming world 2009 english state_of_the_world_into_a_warming_world.pdf
The new US Farm Bill: Zooming in on ACRE 2009 english map_feb_09_us_farm_bill_1.pdf
Les instruments de gestion du marché du lait et des produits laitiers ont-ils atteint leurs principaux objectifs? 2009 french eca_milkfr.pdf
The CAP after the Health Check 2009 english 091001_future_of_cap_l1_standard_en_no_anim.ppt
The Environmental Food Crisis 2009 english the_environmental_food_crisis_-_unep.pdf
L'adaptation au changement climatique: le défi pour l'agriculture et les zones rurales européenne 2009 french ag_and_climate_change_white_paper_ecfr.pdf
Communicatoin sur la politique de qualite des produits agricoles 2009 french ag-product-quality-policy_ec_fr.pdf
Have the management instruments applied to the market in milk and milk products achieved their main objectives? 2009 english eca_milk.pdf
Annual report 2009 2009 english wto_annual_report_2009.pdf
Agriculture and Climate - The critical connection 2009 english web_jimk_cop15.pdf
Have the management instruments applied to the market in milk and milk products achieved their main objectives? - Press release 2009 english eesc_press_release.pdf
Agriculture at a crossroads - Executive Summary 2009 english agriculture_at_a_crossroads_executive_summaryen.pdf
The role of development cooperation and food aid in realizing the right to adequate food: moving from charity to obligation - Report 2009 english the_right_to_food_unhrc.pdf
A better functioning food supply chain in Europe 2009 english publication16061_food_supply_chain_ec.pdf
GDP and beyond - Measuring progress in a changing world 2009 english eucommission_gdp_and_beyond.pdf
