
Title Year Language Read
Diversity of impact: Agricultural trade liberalisation, poverty and development 2007 english diversity_of_impact_lei.pdf
Water for food, Water for life: A comprehensive assessment of water management in agriculture 2007 english comprehensive_assessment_of_water_management_in_agriculture.pdf
U.S. Farm Bill and the EU Common Agriculture Policy at crossroads - A global dialogue on U.S., Canadian and EU Agriculture policies (Conference report) 2007 english iatp_report_conference_farmbillcap.pdf
Agricultural commodity markets - Outlook 2007-2016 2007 english ag_commodity_markets_outlook_2007-2016.pdf
Prospects for agricultural markets and income in the European Union 2007-2014 2007 english ag_markets2007-2014_ec.pdf
Annual report 2007 2007 english wto_annual_report_2007.pdf
Global plan of action for animal genetic resources and the Interlaken declaration 2007 english global_plan_of_action_for_animal_genetic_resources_-_fao_2014_biodiversity.pdf
Sustainable Bioenergy: A framework for decision makers 2007 english sustainable_energy_un.pdf
The state of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2007 english fao-state_of_ag_com_markets_2006.pdf
Open letter to Trade Minister to the WTO 2007 english letter_iatp_doha.pdf
Rural areas under urban pressure: Case studies of rural-urban relationships across Europe 2006 english rural_areas_under_urban_pressure_-_lei.pdf
The agricultural trade developments of major WTO players 2006 english monitoring_agricultural_trade_policy_june2006.pdf
Agricultural market impacts on future growth in the production of biofuels 2006 english biofuels_agr_ca_apm200524_final_eng.pdf
WTO: we need a new approach 2006 english new_approach_wto_h._popp.doc
Supermarkets and Agri-Food Supply Chains: Partnership and Protest 2006 english supermarkets_in_europe_final_draft.doc
Agricultural commodity markets - Past development and outlook 2006 english ag_commodity_market.past_devs_and_outlook_2006.pdf
Getting more conservation out of farm policy 2006 english iatp_view_on_new_farm_bill.pdf
Changing WTO-rules and how they concern the question of open versus regulated agricultural markets 2006 english greif-popp-stauderwto01.09.doc
Environmental Impact of Products (EIPRO) - Analysis of the life cycle environmental impacts related to the final consumption of the EU-25 2006 english environmental_impact_of_products_report.pdf
Case study: Boerenkaas (Dutch Farmhouse Cheese) 2006 english ag-product-quality-policy_ec_nl.pdf
